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25 Random Things About Me

March 31, 2009

I got this idea from Facebook where someone “tags” you in one of their notes, and then you are expected to reciprocate.  This got me thinking that it would be kind of cool if I posted this to my blog instead of trying to come up with something awesome to say in my biography section.  The whole biography thing is just way too much pressure.  This was much easier, and I have to admit, a lot of fun. Hopefully the things I write here, won’t come back to bite me in the future!  So here they are… 25 Things (you may or may not want to know) About Me:

1. I am the Queen of Procrastination.

2. I am convinced that housework was invented by the devil.

3. I am learning (at the ripe old age of 35), not to be such a pushover.

4. I am seriously addicted to books.  Seriously.

5. I went back to school after I turned 30, then had to drop out because I got knocked up. 

6. One of my dreams is to visit Ireland and explore my roots. 

7. I have been blaming these extra 30 pounds on my four pregnancies, but my oldest is turning 13 and my youngest is 3.  You do the math.

8. I LOVE being in my 30’s.  I just wish I could stay here!

9. I am selfish.  That’s it, no qualifiers.

10. I have a huge crush on Hugh Jackman and Gerard Butler.  I guess I have a thing about dark hair and accents, cause I went and married myself a gorgeous Filipino!

11. I am the only person who thinks my house is too big.  Refer to #’s 1 & 2 for a clearer picture of why this is.

12. I have been dyeing my hair since I was 15 years old.  As a result, I have no idea what my actual hair color is.  I’m pretty sure it’s some shade of brown.

13. I am deathly afraid of birds (the whole swooping factor), frogs (the ickiness factor), and cockroaches (no explanation needed).

14. I want to learn how to play the piano.

15. I have recently given up artificial sweetners.  Don’t get me started unless you want to hear a whole diatribe on brain cancer. 

16. It drives me crazy when I am introduced as “StudMuffin’s wife.”  Seriously people.   I have a name!

17. I can’t stand the taste of wine, but I love an ice cold Guinness.  Go figure…

18. Clutter makes me anxious.  

19. I am hypo-glycemic which means I need to eat every 2-3 hours.  This does NOT help me with #7.

20. I am a sucker for romantic comedies.  When Harry Met Sally is one of my all-time fave’s.

21. I am a perfectionist with OCD tendencies.  Yeah… I’m loads of fun.

22. I’ve been meaning to get my ears double pierced since high school (go back to #1).

23. I would love to get a tattoo, but need to overcome my fear of needles & pain first.  

24. If I had the money, I would build another closet and fill it with nothing but shoes. 

25. One of my biggest fears, is that I will never do anything in this life that will make a difference.

Well, there you have it random people.  Stuff about me you would otherwise never know.  I would love to hear some random things about you as well.  You don’t have to list 25, it could be just 5.  I would be beyond thrilled and honored if you did!

Until next time…


3 Comments leave one →
  1. secretg permalink
    April 3, 2009 11:14 pm

    Regarding #3… darn right, you’re no pushover! Nobody’s gonna serve YOU mediocre soup TWICE and get away with it! ;o)

  2. mystormysea permalink
    June 28, 2009 4:38 pm

    Michelle, I had to come back today and read some more of your posts. You are bestie material, for sure! :) I love the things you write, and can relate to so many things that you say. Keep it up!

    • michellenotwithstanding permalink*
      June 28, 2009 7:26 pm

      Stormy- Thank you for the ego boost. ;) I am honored you find me bestie material, and will genuinely look forward to getting to know you better! You are a gem!

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